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Showing posts from September, 2020

Simple ways to determine if it is WORTH it to refinance!

Simple ways to determine if it is WORTH it to refinance!   Annette Bui | Updated March 21, 2019 | Lifestyle   Why would people consider refinancing? Will your interest rate be the very first reason? I genuinely believe you 'd like to be able to save at least half a percent or at least $150 a month if you want to refinance. The reality is that when you refinance, the costs could range from 2-4 per cent anywhere, so you really want to make sure that the savings have a substantial benefit. Consider the Payoff benefit. Will you be there for 5- years? Or maybe even extended refinancing?  If you are going to be there for a very long time, then it will make sense because you will get a substantial amount of money over the duration of your loan that is equivalent to thousands of dollars. Do you know the substantial net savings benefit? Yeah, when you do a refinancing threes two forms of costs incurred, reoccurring expenses are like your taxes and premiums and fees, so you...